A little bit about OashnPearl…

My story

OashnPearl Custom Woodworking (pronounced “ocean-pearl”), is a woman-owned, Sacramento, CA based business established in April 2020 at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Navy, the maker and owner of OashnPearl, is an avid crafter and hobbyist and her interest in woodworking began as a personal hobby to pass the time. She started with a few projects for herself and her new home and she soon found that her unique, artisan furniture pieces were in high demand and OashnPearl blossomed into a full time business in just a few short months.

Today, each work of art is still crafted by Navy herself. Through OashnPearl she offers clients and customers quality, one of a kind craftsmanship and natural beauty in every piece. You won’t find anything else like it on the market!

Meet the Team

  • OASH

    Oash (short for Oceana) was Navy’s best friend and sidekick for nearly 9 years after rescuing her off the streets in San Francisco. Sadly, she passed away in December 2021 but will always be a core part of the team and in Navy’s heart for the rest of forever. Oash was blind for the majority of her life, and was easily recognized by her milky blue eyes and her big floppy ears. She was best known for snoozin’, sniffing out even the slightest scent of food and providing the MOST irreplaceable cuddles. 



    Navy, born and raised in Northern California, moved to San Francisco at the age of 17 to attend San Francisco State University. She graduated with a bachelors degree in Health Education and continued to live there for nearly 10 years working with the community as a sexual health educator. After nearly a decade, Navy returned to the Sacramento area and started her woodworking hobby soon after. She quickly found her place in Sacramento’s incredibly welcoming and bustling small business community and continues to live there with her furry side kick Pearl. 


    Pearl, though actually quite chill, is Navy’s 7 year old “wild child” just in comparison to an old lady like Oash. She is everybody’s favorite and is best known for her “feathers” (funny little ear furs), her long legs and her love of cheese. There is never a private conversation when Pearl is around, she is extremely intelligent and is always observing and listening. Pearl will always greet you with a smile and her love-life attitude.